Fashion and Creative Business

FAS6-A1. التواصل الشبكي وصناعة الأزياء والإبتكار




In this activity, you will learn what social networking is, and how to network.



Networking can be understood as an exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest. Meeting professionals is an opportunity to develop your activity.

Through this course, we will focus on what is networking, and how to do it in the Fashion Industry.

Networking is used by professionals to expand their business circle, to find out about job opportunities in their fields, and to increase their awareness of news and trends in the Fashion sector or in the greater world.

A report gathering 600 marketing, public relations and communication professionals in the fashion, luxury and cosmetics industries in Europe and the United States, as well as 200 influencers, concluded that 78% of companies have implemented a marketing campaign involving influencers in 2017.

Thanks to networking you will be able to:

-Meet potential partners, suppliers and influencers who will help you develop your brand.

Surround yourself with the best to enhance the value of your product

Networking is necessary and can be learnt. Here is 10 DOS & DON’TS on how to network in the Fashion Industry:


Networking is possible even when you are not used to it. Watch this video to learn how to network even if you’ve never done it before.

View the following video (12’): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj98mr_wUA0


Now it’s your turn to convince people and present yourself in an innovative way.

You have 60 seconds to introduce yourself and your activity so that the person remembers you. Here are some guidelines to help you prepare your presentation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lb0Yz_5ZYzI (6’)