Fashion and Creative Business

Conflict resolution


Duration: 1 hour

Learning outcome: By the end of this Unit learners will be able to solve any conflicts including team management or customer management.

Knowledge Skills
Basic knowledge about what is a conflict Strategies to avoid conflicts using conflict management
Sociological knowledge about resolution conflict Strategies to resolve conflict: conflict resolution

Personal story

Victor (p. 60-61) is 40 years old. He was born in Ethiopia and comes from a family of farmers. He and his family had been suffering from hunger and periodic famine for many years. Hence, he was forced to immigrate to Greece ten years ago. At first, he faced homelessness and the bureaucracy of Greek authorities. However, he was very skilled in knitting, as it is a common occupation for men in Ethiopia. Hence, he started knitting unique-looking felt scarves without any tools, with his hands. Currently he sells his creations from a kiosk in Athens that acts also as his workshop.

He never had any disputes with his clients, but experienced conflicts with his suppliers and was forced to stop working with them.

→Thanks to this unit, he will learn how to deal conflicts andmaybe avoid to stop a collaboration with a supplier.

Documents/Articles: https://www.managementstudyguide.com/understanding-conflict.htm Videos and tutorials: